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From:Thursday, October 30, 2014 10:55 PM +0200
Subject:Pre-Release Announcement - FirstClass Sync Services Version 12 - 64bit v1 

Please find attached, release notes and install guides for this new version of FirstClass Sync Services available on 64bit Mac, Windows and Linux platforms.

Release announcement v1.0.





FirstClass Division Product Bulletin

Title: FirstClass® Synchronization Services Version 12 - 64 bit Release Announcement
Bulletin Number: 287
Version: 1.0
Date: October 30, 2014


This Product Bulletin is intended for distribution to FirstClass Division's installed base Administrators, Customer Support Center team, Business Development Center team, Account Managers, and Channel Partners.

FirstClass® Synchronization Services 12 Release Notes
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Version 12.035

Copyright 2014
Open Text Corporation

What you will find in this document:

A. Contact Information

B. Requirements
C. Installation
D. New Product Features and Enhancements
E. Notices


A. Contact Information

FirstClass Division, Open Text Corporation

B. Requirements

Basic System Requirements can be found online from our website: System Requirements for Windows

In addition to these:

This release of the FirstClass Synchronization requires a 64-bit (x64) operating system.
A 64-bit version of Python must be present on the machine you are installing to. Further details below.
Please see the platform specific installation instructions below for additional detailed requirements pertaining to each platform.

Finally, the FirstClass Server you are logging into must be running version 12.0 B1303 or greater.

C. Installation Instructions:

Component Information:

FirstClass Sync Services120035.msi (Windows - FirstClass Synchronization Services MSI installer)
fcss-12.0.035-osx-py2.6.dmg (OS X - Disk image of the FirstClass Synchronization Services installer)
fcss-12.0.035-linux-py2.6.tgz (Linux - Tar archive of the FirstClass Synchronization Services installer)

Required Python packages which are included with and will be installed if necessary by the above mentioned installers:




Package Distribution Source Reason for inclusion
CherryPy-3.2.2.tar.gz A WSGI compliant web server included as a requirement for non Apache based web server installs.
WebOb-1.2.3.tar.gz Directly required by the FCSync product.
setuptools-0.6c11.tar.gz An installer packaging tool, which simplifies and adds flexibility to installing python based packages.

[Marker]Windows Install Instructions:

Installation Overview
The attached 'FirstClass Sync Services120035.msi' file is for installing/updating the FirstClass Synchronization Services on Windows.
Note: This install process will become more refined as the beta cycle goes on.

Installation Prerequisites (one-time requirements):
On Windows systems, FCSync requires Python 2.7.x but NOT version 3.x. If you have
Python 3 installed, you will either have to remove it, or change the path for python
execution to point to the 2.7 executable after installation.

The below instructions assume that the install is on your C:\ drive, please adjust accordingly.

Download and install the python-2.7.6.amd64.msi installer.

For simplicity sake, run the installer and accept all defaults. This will create a Python27
folder at the root level of your C:\drive.

(Windows 2003) Add C:\Python27 to your path environment variable
Add C:\Python27 as an additional path to either your System or local Path environment
variable. Above is showing how on a Windows 2003 server to change the system path
variable. Right click on "My Computer"
1. Click on Advanced
2. Click on Environment Variables
3. Click on Path in the System Variables section
4. Click on Edit
5. Add ;C:\Python27 in the Variable Value field and click on OK

(Windows 2008/Windows 2012) Add C:\Python27 to your path environment" if="" img="" in="" install="" installation="" installed="" installer="" instance="" into="" is="" it="" license="" located="" location="" lost.="" make="" my="" necessary="" need="" new="" not="" of="" on="" or="" over="" overwrote="" package="" path="" please="" port="" preconfigured="" present="" previously="" program="" prompt="" python="" python27="" restart="" return="" right="" root="" run="" same="" script="" server="" servers="" services="" services.="" should="" showing="" so="" span="" src="/FCP/DeskTop000000000000000000000/8000001300037F0F000000100100/000086E906267DDE000008000400/python0.jpg" start="" starting="" startsync.bat="" startup="" style="color:#000000; font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana" such="" sure="" sync="" synchronization="" system="" test="" that="" the="" this="" to="" to:="" type="" typing="" upgrades.="" use="" used="" user="" value="" values="" variable="" variable.="" version="" wait="" which="" width="634" will="" window.="" windows="" you="" your="">startfcsync.bat' file located in the "C:\Program Files\FirstClass Sync Services" folder.
This file is currently in place to start the installed Synchronization server with the proper configuration.
With the default installed file it should start a sync server on port 80. If you then add SSL certificates as mentioned below, then it will start a HTTPS server on port 443.

Currently with this initial release it is configured for starting the CherryPy server via passing parameters to the cherry.pyc file in the fcsync folder.

By default it only tries to start a HTTPS server on port 443 unless no SSL certificate files are found in which case it falls back to starting a HTTP server on port 80.
You can specify it starts a HTTP server in addition to the HTTPS server by adding the '-e' as an arg.

The startup parameters currently supported are as follows:
Usage: cherry.pyc [options]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HOST, --host=HOST Specify the host name for the CherryPy Server. will serve on all interfaces. (default:
-f FCS_PORT, --fcserverport=FCS_PORT
Specify the FCP port number used to connect to the FirstClass Server. (default: 510)
-s SSL_PORT, --sslport=SSL_PORT
Specify the SSL / HTTPS port number. (default: 443)
Specify the SSL key file name or path. (default: key.pem)
Specify the SSL cert file name or path. (default: cert.pem)
Specify the SSL intermediate certificate file name or
path. (default: none)
Specify the number of threads for the SSL CherryPy Server. (default: 500)
-e, --enablehttp Enable the HTTP server. (default: False)
-p PORT, --httpport=PORT Specify the HTTP port number. (default: 80)
--httpthreads=HTTP_THREAD_POOL Specify the number of threads for the HTTP CherryPy Server. (default: 100)

(ie.) Modifying the startup line in the
'startfcsync.bat' file to either of the following would cause the Synchronization server to start up both a HTTPS server on port 8443 and a HTTP server on port 8000

C:\Python27\python.exe "C:\Program Files\FirstClass Sync Services\fcss-12.0.035-win\fcsync\cherry.pyc" -H -s 8443 -ep 8000
C:\Python27\python.exe "C:\Program Files\FirstClass Sync Services\fcss-12.0.035-win\fcsync\cherry.pyc" -H --sslport=8443 --enablehttp --httpport=8000
Note: On pre Windows 2008 server installations, the path above to the cherry.pyc file is expanded to the actual path through the Python site packages.

Starting & connecting to FirstClass Synchronization Services:

For starting FirstClass Synchronization Services, you can double click the 'startfcsync.bat' file located in the "C:\Program Files\FirstClass Sync Services" folder.
Pressing CTRL+C will stop the FirstClass Sync Services.

Connecting to your FCSync server.

Within the settings of your device open the "Accounts" or "Mail, Contacts, Calendars" and select add an account. When prompted select the exchange account type. From there you can enter the necessary FirstClass Synchronization Server settings.
[Marker]OS X Installation

Installation Overview
The attached fcss-12.0.035-osx-py2.6.dmg file is for installing/updating the FirstClass Synchronization Services on OS X.

Installation Prerequisites (one-time requirements):
Python 2.6 is required. If you are running OS X 10.7 - 10.9.x, it should already be present even if it is not the default Python version.
You can test this by typing the following in a terminal window:
sudo python -V
If it is present it should return the installed version such as:
Python 2.6.7
If this is not the returned value you will need to change the default version of python to 2.6 to install with the following command:
sudo defaults write Version 2.6
The FirstClass Synchronization Services installer must be run as a user with a userid of 'fcadmin' (and any full name, but "FirstClass Administrator" is recommended). This user must be a member of the 'admin' group.

Installation Instructions
Download the attached disk image (fcss-12.0.035-osx-py2.6.dmg) and extract it on your Synchronization Services machine.
Once the image is mounted (e.g.
fcss-12.0.035-osx-py2.6), execute the "installer.command" by double clicking it.
You may get a prompt to enter a password
Type 'Yes' to accept the FirstClass End User License Agreement
Once the installation is complete you can eject the mounted image.

After having run the installer script, you should have the following structure:

A "FirstClass Synchronization Services" folder is created at "
/Library/FirstClass Sync Services".
"startfcsync.command" is a preconfigured startup script for starting the FirstClass Synchronization Services. This script can be customized and does not get overwrote by upgrades.
"PkgArchives" is used to archive the previously installed package so that any customized config does not get lost.
The following user configuration is copied from the archived package during the install;
Any *.pem files in the root of the FCSync folder.

NOTE: If this is a new install you will need to configure the following items.
1. The 'fcsync.cfg' file located in the "/Library/FirstClass Sync Services/fcss-12.0.035-win/fcsync" folder.
This file is used to configure which FirstClass servers your instance of Synchronization Services can connect to and on which FCP port.

FCSPort - The FCP port over which FCSync will connect to your FirstClass Server
ValidFCServers - Enter the FirstClass Server address that FCSync is connecting to: default,<Server Address>
LoggingLevel - Current values are: DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR,CRITICAL,FATAL

fcsync.cfg sample:

2. The 'startfcsync.command' file located in the "/Library/FirstClass Sync Services" folder.
This file is currently in place to start the installed Synchronization server with the proper configuration.
With the default installed file it should start a sync server on port 80. If you then add SSL certificates as mentioned below, then it will start a HTTPS server on port 443.

Currently with this initial release it is configured for starting the CherryPy server via passing parameters to the cherry.pyc file in the fcsync folder.

By default it only tries to start a HTTPS server on port 443 unless no SSL certificate files are found in which case it falls back to starting a HTTP server on port 80.
You can specify it starts a HTTP server in addition to the HTTPS server by adding the '-e' as an arg.

The startup parameters currently supported are as follows:
Usage: cherry.pyc [options]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HOST, --host=HOST Specify the host name for the CherryPy Server. will serve on all interfaces. (default:
-f FCS_PORT, --fcserverport=FCS_PORT
Specify the FCP port number used to connect to the FirstClass Server. (default: 510)
-s SSL_PORT, --sslport=SSL_PORT
Specify the SSL / HTTPS port number. (default: 443)
Specify the SSL key file name or path. (default: key.pem)
Specify the SSL cert file name or path. (default: cert.pem)
Specify the SSL intermediate certificate file name or
path. (default: none)
Specify the number of threads for the SSL CherryPy Server. (default: 500)
-e, --enablehttp Enable the HTTP server. (default: False)
-p PORT, --httpport=PORT Specify the HTTP port number. (default: 80)
--httpthreads=HTTP_THREAD_POOL Specify the number of threads for the HTTP CherryPy Server. (default: 100)

(ie.) Modifying the startup line in the
'startfcsync.bat' file to either of the following would cause the Synchronization server to start up both a HTTPS server on port 8443 and a HTTP server on port 8000

sudo /usr/bin/python "/Library/FirstClass Sync Services/fcss-12.0.035-osx/fcsync/cherry.pyc" -H -s 8443 -ep 8000
sudo /usr/bin/python "/Library/FirstClass Sync Services/fcss-12.0.035-osx/fcsync/cherry.pyc" -H --sslport=8443 --enablehttp --httpport=8000

Starting & connecting to FirstClass Synchronization Services:

For starting FirstClass Synchronization Services, you can double click the 'startfcsync.command' file located in the "Library/FirstClass Sync Services" folder.
Pressing CTRL+C will stop the FirstClass Sync Services.

Connecting to your FCSync server.

Within the settings of your device open the "Accounts" or "Mail, Contacts, Calendars" and select add an account. When prompted select the exchange account type. From there you can enter the necessary FirstClass Synchronization Server settings.

[Marker]Linux Installation

Installation Overview
The attached fcss-12.0.035-linux_installer.tgz file is for installing/updating the FirstClass Synchronization Services on Linux.
Note that the majority of our testing for this product thus far has centered on the Cent OS 6.3 Linux distribution, but it should run on other distributions as well if all the requirements are met.

Installation Prerequisites (one-time requirements):
The FirstClass Synchronization Services installer must be run as a user with a userid of 'fcadmin' (and any full name, but "FirstClass Administrator" is recommended). This user must be a member of the 'adm' group.
After creating this user and adding it to the 'adm' group, log out and back in as 'fcadmin'. Create this group first, if it does not already exist.

Python 2.6 is required. On Linux this will in most cases be already present even if it is not the default Python version.
You can test this by typing the following in a terminal window:
python2.6 -V
If it is present it should return the installed version such as:
Python 2.6.7

Installation Instructions
Ensure the 'fcadmin' account has been created as per the instructions above, that the account is a member of the 'adm' group, and that you have logged out and back in as 'fcadmin'. This is required to ensure that the 'adm' group change is applied.
Download the attached (
fcss-12.0.035-linux-py2.6.tgz) tar file.
Start a shell Terminal window, and "cd" to your download location.
Extract the files in the installer tar file, using this command:

tar xzf fcss-12.0.035-linux-py2.6.tgz
"cd" into installer package directory as in the below example.
cd fcss-12.0.035-linux-py2.6.tgz
Start the installer, and answer the prompts as asked. Note: If your fcadmin account does not have sudoer privileges you will be asked to re-run the installer after first becoming "root" by executing the "su" command.
Enter 'yes' to accept the End User License Agreement
Once the installation is complete you can delete the temporary package directory and downloaded tar file.

After having run the installer script, you should have the following structure:

A "FirstClass Sync Services" folder is created at "
/opt/FirstClass Sync Services".
"; is a preconfigured startup script for starting the FirstClass Synchronization Services. This script can be customized and does not get overwrote by upgrades.
"PkgArchives" is used to archive the previously installed package so that any customized config does not get lost. The following user configuration is copied from the archived package during the install;

Any *.pem files in the root of the FCSync folder.

NOTE: If this is a new install you will need to configure the following items.
1. The 'fcsync.cfg' file located in the "/opt/FirstClass Sync Services/fcss-12.0.035-win/fcsync" folder.
This file is used to configure which FirstClass servers your instance of Synchronization Services can connect to and on which FCP port.

FCSPort - The FCP port over which FCSync will connect to your FirstClass Server
ValidFCServers - Enter the FirstClass Server address that FCSync is connecting to: default,<Server Address>
LoggingLevel - Current values are: DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR,CRITICAL,FATAL

fcsync.cfg sample:

2. The 'startfcsync.bat' file located in the "opt/FirstClass Sync Services" folder.
This file is currently in place to start the installed Synchronization server with the proper configuration.
With the default installed file it should start a sync server on port 80. If you then add SSL certificates as mentioned below, then it will start a HTTPS server on port 443.

Currently with this initial release it is configured for starting the CherryPy server via passing parameters to the cherry.pyc file in the fcsync folder.

By default it only tries to start a HTTPS server on port 443 unless no SSL certificate files are found in which case it falls back to starting a HTTP server on port 80.
You can specify it starts a HTTP server in addition to the HTTPS server by adding the '-e' as an arg.

The startup parameters currently supported are as follows:
Usage: cherry.pyc [options]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HOST, --host=HOST Specify the host name for the CherryPy Server. will serve on all interfaces. (default:
-f FCS_PORT, --fcserverport=FCS_PORT
Specify the FCP port number used to connect to the FirstClass Server. (default: 510)
-s SSL_PORT, --sslport=SSL_PORT
Specify the SSL / HTTPS port number. (default: 443)
Specify the SSL key file name or path. (default: key.pem)
Specify the SSL cert file name or path. (default: cert.pem)
Specify the SSL intermediate certificate file name or
path. (default: none)
Specify the number of threads for the SSL CherryPy Server. (default: 500)
-e, --enablehttp Enable the HTTP server. (default: False)
-p PORT, --httpport=PORT Specify the HTTP port number. (default: 80)
--httpthreads=HTTP_THREAD_POOL Specify the number of threads for the HTTP CherryPy Server. (default: 100)

(ie.) Modifying the startup line in the
'startfcsync.bat' file to either of the following would cause the Synchronization server to start up both a HTTPS server on port 8443 and a HTTP server on port 8000

sudo /usr/bin/python "/opt/FirstClass Sync Services/fcss-12.0.035-osx/fcsync/cherry.pyc" -H -s 8443 -ep 8000 -e True
sudo /usr/bin/python "/opt/FirstClass Sync Services/fcss-12.0.035-osx/fcsync/cherry.pyc" -H -e True --sslport=8443 --enablehttp --httpport=8000

Starting & connecting to FirstClass Synchronization Services:

For starting FirstClass Synchronization Services, you can run the '' file located in the "opt/FirstClass Sync Services" folder. (./
Pressing CTRL+C will stop the FirstClass Sync Services.

Connecting to your FCSync server.

Within the settings of your device open the "Accounts" or "Mail, Contacts, Calendars" and select add an account. When prompted select the exchange account type. From there you can enter the necessary FirstClass Synchronization Server settings.

D. New Product Features and Enhancements

FirstClass Synchronization Services 12 is now a 64-bit application. It also now includes MAC OSX and Linux versions.

New Features / Enhancements

Now a 64-bit application
Now available for MAC OSX and Linux
Various improvements to ActiveSync handling

Can be run on the same machine as FCWS build 12.0.138 or greater

Known Limitations / Issues:

SyncML no longer supported
Nexus devices push needs to be disabled
Samsung devices Manual Sync Scheduling should not be enabled
Samsung devices Tasks need to be disabled
Exceptions not supported (changing a single instance of a repeating event on the device)
Windows Mobile devices can only connect to Sync Service with SSL enabled
Windows Mobile does not currently support sub folders
Full subcontainer sync support only available for Device 1 and 2 in user preferences - Handhelds Devices tab. Fixed in a future FC Server build

E. Notices

If External Apps are not present after the 12.0 Upgrade Script installation please note that a server restart is required.

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Certain features and products described in this document may not currently be available in all geographic regions. Distribution or reproduction of this document in whole or in part must be in accordance with the terms of the License Agreement.

FirstClass, OpenText and the associated logos used herein are trademarks of Open Text Corporation and/or its subsidiary used under license.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

This edition applies to Release 12 of FirstClass and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.

This document is bound by international copyright law and the FirstClass Software License Agreement and Limited Warranty included with every FirstClass product.




Serveris FirstClass 12.0, © 1992-2014 BM