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check1.png Change your password
Make your password difficult to guess. Consider mixing numbers and letters. Do not use your own name or user ID, nor any other easily guessed value, such as your birth date, the name of a family member or pet, any word found in any language dictionary.
The maximum length of a password is 12 characters.
To change your password:
1  Choose Collaborate > Change Password.
2  Update the Change Password form.
check2.png Set your Preferences

Choose Edit > Preferences.

Most preferences are configured appropriately.  To view information on the Preferences form, open the form, and choose Help > About this Window.

Calendaring Tab

Configure the following fields:
Week start day
The day on which you want the week to start in month view.
Start of work day
The normal start time of your work day. No events will be created with a default start time before this time.
Length of work day
The normal number of hours in your work day. No default events will be created beyond the end of your work day.

Messaging - Signature tab

Add your signature. You can have your signature appear automatically, or you can manually add your signature to each message by choosing Edit > Insert > Insert Signature.

The information included in the signature text is under your discretion. Here's an example of a signature:

<name>, <title>
<organization name>
<web site address>

Go to the Mailbox tutorial.


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